BGIS partnered with innovative company Cresstec to deliver an energy saving technology that utilises Artificial Intelligence. The technology, called REED HVAC-R, is a retrofittable, refrigerant management and energy saving technology for commercial HVAC and refrigerant equipment.
Australian Government Department of Defence
Defence supplier of excellence
BGIS is proud to support the Australian Government Department of Defence, achieving outstanding results and recognition for our collaborative work in facilities and asset management, innovation, and energy efficiency.
Estate Maintenance and Operations Services contract
BGIS has been engaged as Estate Manager for the Defence northern New South Wales Estate Maintenance and Operations Services contract since 2014. The portfolio includes seven army, navy, air force and special forces bases at Singleton, Williamtown, Richmond, Liverpool and Sydney.
Estate maintenance and operations services includes all base services activities which support and service the land, buildings and infrastructure on the Defence estate. BGIS’ team of 200+ employees and 800+ subcontractors support 4,500+ buildings. The EMOS bundle of integrated facilities management services includes:
- Management, integration and co-ordination
- Base Services Support Centre
- Cleaning and housekeeping
- Land management
- Laundry, dry cleaning and treatment
- Pest and vermin management, control and treatment
- Sports and recreation
- Training areas and range management
- Transport and airfield operations support
- Estate upkeep

Project and construction management
BGIS was awarded contracts to provide project delivery services at RAAF Tindal, based off the performance from our EMOS Contract in northern NSW. The project work across Tindal, Darwin and Delamere sites includes refurbishment and refits of living accommodation, office bunker and childcare facilities, maintenance and mechanical service upgrades, security enhancements, and HVAC modifications and environmental monitoring. BGIS has successfully set up a projects team based in Katherine and Darwin in the Northern Territory.

We encourage our people to solve problems through diverse thinking and innovation, to deliver places that work now and for the future. To date, BGIS has seen over 1000 innovation and continuous improvement initiatives logged by the APAC region. We saw over 300 innovation case studies completed globally and over 150 in APAC alone. BGIS has held over 100 innovation forums globally.
Whether it be fitting energy saving LED lighting in public venues, floating sea bins to collect plastic waste, conserving water use with aerators, automating work orders, constructing with portable modules, or reducing carbon emissions in buildings, we are constantly innovating for our clients.

Energy saving technology uses AI
Case study: HVAC & refrigerant energy saving technology in partnership with Cresstec
An innovative sustainable solution
An award-winning innovation solution, Flexiroc, a recycled tyre rubber as a sustainable alternative to traditional aggregates. It has 100 times more flex than concrete and is 30% less dense with enhanced energy-absorbing characteristics, resulting in lighter, thinner structures that are faster and cheaper to construct. Depending on the application, the aggregate mix is adjusted to suit. A trial at Holsworthy Barracks, along with several other projects, has resulted in 17.5% of Defence’s annual tyre waste, diverted from landfill. In this video BGIS, Veolia and Security and Estate Group talk about this exciting collaboration.
Social and sustainable procurement
BGIS has a sustainable procurement policy and framework to achieve the most positive environmental, social and economic impacts possible across our supply chain. We work with a diverse range of supply partners, from Indigenous and cultural enterprises to disability service providers and small and local suppliers. We look to work with organisations whose goals are to remove social disadvantage. These suppliers are integral to BGIS’ service offering and are daily reminders of our passion to improve the social and economic circumstances of those who live and work in the communities in which we operate. We report on our progress monthly to ensure our targets are met.

Indigenous spend in Australia
In 2023, we have engaged 47 Indigenous supplier partners, increasing our spend by 15% throughout the year. BGIS now spends over 7.5 times more than our competitors and peers in the facilities management sector.

Our team is very proud of the breadth of work that we undertake across Indigenous engagement, Sustainability and Annual Corporate Social Responsibility for our Department of Defence client. These posters provide a detailed overview of the activities and our involvement covering the bases that we manage.
Indigenous Engagement Sustainability Annual Corporate Social ResponsibilityCommitment to veterans
As a result of our many years of service to the Australian Defence Force (ADF), BGIS attracts veterans and spouses, and many civilians with family connections to the military. We offer a range of job and career opportunities and the ability to transfer with posting cycles.